What is the 200 Club?
The 200 Club is a group of 200 brothers and sisters who have made the commitment to donate a certain amount of money each month for one year to the cause of Young Muslims Sisters.
How much money?
You can decide which club you would like to join!
Bronze - $5/monthly
Silver - $10/monthly
Gold - $15/monthly
Platinum - $20/monthly
Why should I join?
By joining the 200 Club and donating to YMS, we hope to gain the innumerable rewards that
Allah ﷻ has in store for those who spend in His way.
But I'm only donating $5-20! How much reward can I get for that?
In Surah Baqarah, verse 261, Allah ﷻ states, "The parable of those who spend of their substance in the way of Allah is that of a grain of corn: it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom He pleases; And
Allah cares for all and He knows all things." From this, we gather that any act of charity, no matter how small, holds weight in the eyes of Allah ﷻ and will be rewarded by Him as He pleases! Whatever we give in the way of Allah with sincerity and pure intentions will be multiplied manifold InshaAllah!
How do I know how many people are already in the Club?
Our website will be updated to reflect the number of brothers and sisters who have joined the 200 Club. You will be able to see how many have joined and how many more members we need before we reach our goal.
Where does my donation go?
YM funds youth activities in communities all across North America
NeighborNets (study circles): builds a network of Muslim sisters
NeighborNet/Regional events
Expand YM reach across the United States
Understand the needs of each NeighborNet
Develop a positive relationship with local leadership to keep the organization strong
Annual leadership seminars and NeighborNet Coordinator conferences
provides local leadership with tools and motivation needed to continue carrying out the work to impact
multitudes of youth locally across the nation
Youth Conferences
Annual Youth Conference parallel to ICNA-MAS Convention in Baltimore
California Conference
Chicago Conference
Atlanta Conference
North East Conference
YM promotional material
Maintenance of website
Guest speaker accommodations at events
and more!
To keep up with what YM Sisters is up to and see your donations put to use, subscribe to our newsletter!
Sounds great! How do I join?
To become a member of the 200 Club, click on the club level you would like to join: