the youth need you.




When the world locked down, you helped us ensure that #YMNeverStops. As we prepare to reconnect in person, help us make our #COVIDComeback better than ever.

When the coronavirus crisis put much of our lives on hold, Young Muslims (YM) sprang into action to move our programming online to ensure that American muslim youth could remain socially and spiritually connected while socially distant. After spending more than a year apart, the youth need strong community support more than ever.

This past year, we stayed busy.

We moved our 80+ local chapters online; organized national halaqas and webinars to build virtual community across the country; made Ramadan and COVID-19 Survival Guides; organized daily Ramadan programs; and beefed up our internal operations. We organized two national Young Muslims Conferences. We launched merch shops for YM Sisters and YM Brothers. We created a Muslim Youth Issues team to research and address the taboo issues that youth are dealing with on their own. We started a Civic Engagement Team to turn faith into action. We engaged our alumni as mentors, built bridges with other Muslim organizations to provide even more support to our members, and expanded our Professional Development series. And the list goes on.

We need your help to keep going and come back better.

Run by the youth and for the youth, YM operates off of the backing and charitable donations of our supporters. The money we raise this Ramadan will help us carry out our projects and leadership initiatives following the COVID-19 crisis.

Your donations will help us fund: 80 + local Neighbornet Chapters; 4 Summer Camps and Retreats; 2 Young Muslims Leadership Conferences; 3 Annual YM Youth Conferences; and much more.

By supporting YM, you are fueling the fire for the next torchbearers of Islamic work in the U.S. YM members go on to be amazing public servants across professional fields. Your contributions will go on to producing the next generation of community servants, educators, social workers, policy makers, imams and ulema, and of course, doctors, lawyers, and engineers.