YM Sisters will give sincere advice to you. We will tell you what you need to hear and not what you want to hear. This will ultimately bring a connection towards the community and Allah.
Best Version of YOU
When you join - you will instantly find yourself with people from all ages and backgrounds. There will be sense of belonging that will surround you and your peers and you will find yourself becoming the best of yourself.
Safe Zone
Each YM NeighborNet is a safe zone and we build a non-judgmental environment where people of all levels of imaan can feel valued.
Community Oriented
YM Sisters are able to organize events such as volunteering efforts, community service events, Islamic classes/seminars, and many more! We use this to enhance the Muslim Youth Experience.
“…I will never forget how much YM has done for me and how much it positively changed my life.”
“I was having so much fun that my anxiety disappeared.”