Study Circles

YM study circles is a curriculum based discussion circle for the leadership of YM and is run by legitimate ‘murrabis’ or specifically chosen mentors. It provides a regiment approach to Islamic Studies and develops them into the next generation of Muslim Youth Leaders

Why are they important?

Study Circles produce good ideas and plans for action, which can draw the neighborhood community together and improve everyone’s quality of life. They help build and encourage YM Sisters to spread the Deen in accordance to Quran and Sunnah.


What do they focus on?

Study Circles covers a broad range of topics and the main curriculum focuses on basic Islamic knowledge while also emphasizing the importance of organizational work. It also allows leadership to understand more deeper based studies and overall learn to make a greater social impact.

Why should they be used?

YM Discussions unite people to talk about problems and experiences they face in real life.

Sisters who may be afraid to talk in front of larger crowds can now share and open up more easily with a smaller one. It empowers individuals to solve problems and take action in their communities.


Interested In Creating One?

I have nothing but gratitude towards YM and everybody I have met through YM. YM will always be a part of my heart, and I’m forever waiting for that YM party in Jannah