YM Sisters is a national organization that seeks to address real-life problems and give the support needed to live our lives as dedicated Muslim youth. At this age where temptations are on the rise and flagrant behavior encouraged, YM Sisters attempts to counteract these influences by challenging the youth to take the best of all paths in both this world and in the Hereafter.
Organizations like YM are filling a very necessary void. YM stresses the importance of understanding, and fulfilling our individual and collective obligations as Muslims.
YM Sisters is at the forefront of active work and engages young Muslim sisters in order to develop them into committed and conscious Muslims who will help make this world a better place. Help support the cause by joining the YM 200 Club. Keep up with what YM is up to nowadays by subscribing to our newsletter!
YM teaches necessary skills through various opportunities for leadership, helping girls become more well-rounded and productive members of society. Want in on the fun and reward? Join or start a YM NeighborNet near you!
Legacy: #OurThreeWinners
If there's one thing we need to learn from Chapel Hill shootings incident, it is that the world needs smiling faces like those of Deah, Yusor, and Razan. The world needs their strength, their kindness, their dedication, their efforts, and their love.
Deah, Yusor, and Razan have left behind a legacy.
Find your purpose, find your passion, and do what you need to do to serve humanity, to help make this world a better place. Carry out the legacies of Deah, Yusor, and Razan, #OurThreeWinners
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