11 Things Muslim Women Know All Too Well
By: Mariam Abdulla and Sarah Faysal
It’s time to recognize every woman for all that we do and all that we are. It’s International women’s month! There are so many different things women can relate with through our shared experiences. We’ve compiled a list of situations every Muslim woman has gone through at least once in her life.
In a moment, you’ll be thinking “Did I write this?!”
1. Going clothes shopping for hours.. Then coming home with a pretzel and one top. One universal thing women can relate on is going shopping with the intention of buying one thing.. that never ends up in our cart.
2. Chocolate. You don’t know when or how it all started, it just did. But you don’t seem to get enough of it.
3. Bad hijab days.. they exist. Sometimes the wind just isn’t on our side.
4. Halal nail polish. You can pray AND rock that manicure. Who knew?!
5. Finding the perfect selfie angle, 382873 tries later.
6. Being asked to shake hands with a non mahram… dun dun duhhh.
7. Staying warm.. Finding modest and pretty summer outfits may be a hassle but when it comes to chilly weather, we’ve got those layers on lock!
8. Finding the right dress. The sleeves being too short, the dress itself, see-through or too tight. The list goes on…
9. Accidentally finding out someone’s SSN… when you were just trying to see what University they go to. #StalkTooHard
10. Stressing over the amount of fasts you still have to make up from last year as Ramadan approaches. This is when procrastination gets out of hand.
11. And finally...the excitement of seeing another hijabi in public. One of the most important parts of muslim girl code is the greeting. Wave, smile, or say salam to the hijabi that passes by you. Embrace the sisterhood!
JazakAllahukhairan. We hope you enjoyed reading this post and relate to it! Feel free to comment any other relatable things!