7 Easy Ways To Kickstart Your Productivity
By: Mariam Abdulla & Sarah Faysal
Now that Daylight savings has arrived, it's time to think about all we can do with those extra hours under the sun. Our common goal in life is to make the most of it. And the good news is, there are so many different ways to appreciate that.
The prophet (SAWS) always encouraged taking part in a productive lifestyle. He narrates “”Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth before you become old; your health, before you fall sick; your wealth, before you become poor; your free time before you become preoccupied, and your life, before your death.” (Narrated by Ibn Abbas in the Mustadrak of Hakim & Musnad Imam Ahmad. Sahih)
Here are 7 productivity boosters that will help you appreciate the new time change!
Spend more time doing physical activity out in nature. Go for a walk or a bike ride.
The prophet (SAWS) always encouraged physical activity so why not incorporate more of that during the added hours of daylight? As a bonus, the extra rays of sunshine during the day help you rest a little easier during the night by regulating your body’s circadian rhythm. Your circadian rhythm is responsible for knowing your body’s energy patterns- such as what time you get tired each day.The sun now has more time to shine, which means more chances to be in the sun!
2. Fix bad sleeping habits
One thing we all struggle with is having a proper sleep schedule, or simply getting enough hours of sleep daily. In order to combat this, we can use the time change as a way to switch up our daily sleeping schedule. With the sun setting so late, by Isha time it will be perfect timing to pray and go straight to bed. Additionally, the prophet (saws) encouraged the act of taking a nap, and saw it as beneficial for the human body.
3. Make a daily to-do list.
Many of us go about the day with ideas in our heads of what we want to get done, or what we have to do, but few go out and accomplish these things. One of the biggest reasons why is we dream, but we forget to do. We all want to be better- a better student, a better writer, a better friend.
We all want to be all those things, but how do we do it? Creating a daily to-do list is an excellent way to encourage productivity. By listing out the small goals for the day, you’re more compelled to complete them and check off your list and in turn, aid your long-term goals. You also get a sense of satisfaction after crossing out something once it's completed.
All dreams start with thoughts and end with action. Thought, without action, is like practice without a performance. Let’s end this year with success in our goals and satisfaction that we used action to do so.
4. Take better care of yourself.
Whether it’s reading a chapter of the quran, stretching or sleeping in after a stressful night, self-care counts. It is the act of being mindful of your soul before things get out of hand. Care for your soul as much as Allah (swt) cares for your soul. “And when you have decided, rely upon Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who rely upon him.” God repeatedly reminds us to rely upon him for the sake of purifying our souls. A healthy mind leads to a healthy life.
5. Turn to the Quran and sunnah for guidance.
Use the longer day to create good habits for yourself by following the sunnah. As mentioned in above, sleep is also a big part of spiritual productivity. A good example is how the prophet (saws) started his day after fajr adhan, and slept after praying Isha. Another excellent sunnah is doing dhikr after salah. The day is long, why rush?
6. Set a time limit for how long you want to spend on phone time/leisure time
Weather it be scrolling through your feed for hours, or playing games on your phone, we’ve all gone through times where we’ve spent an unhealthy amount of time on our phone/electronic device. Setting timers on your phone reminding you that you’ve been on it for a while will keep you from spending too much time on it. This can also be used for any other task to keep us from mindlessly consuming our time. Ali ibn Abi Talib said: “Whoever resists time is spited by it even more, and whoever surrenders to it is not safe either.” We can subconsciously waste so much time, but being reminded of this allows us to use our time for more productive things.
7. Post physical reminders throughout your room, on the wall, a board, or your mirror.
We seek motivation from being constantly reminded to do something. Having reminders plastered all over your surrounding allows you to always have your goal set in mind. These reminders don’t necessarily have to be errands and assignments, it can also be positive messages to tell yourself everyday.
JazakAllahukhairan. We hope these ideas help you embrace the time change! Comment below what you’re excited for about daylight savings!